I cleaned up
my diet, changed my lifestyle habits, and lost 75lbs! Go me! You think I would
have been doing cartwheels and maxing out all my credit cards on a brand new
wardrobe, right? Wrong. Sure, I was proud of myself. I could walk up a flight
of stairs without panting like my dog and I could tie my shoes without holding
my breath. But when I looked in the mirror, I wasn't happy. My reflection
didn't match my expectations. Where was my perfect body? I expected to look
like the before/after photos I was seeing of other big weight loss success
stories. All I saw was a fat girl looking back at me in the mirror.
This is a
real issue some women have when they lose a significant amount of weight. Especially
if they have been heavy for a long time and then lost the weight quickly. It is
a condition called "Phantom Fat" and it means they don't see
themselves at the size they really are. I still occasionally buy clothes for my
former size rather than my current
size. And I am still surprised when I put them on and find they are too big! It
took some time for my internal image to see my real external image.
How do you
deal with phantom fat? Best advice: be patient with yourself. You didn't gain
the weight overnight, and you probably became accustomed to seeing yourself a
certain way. Imagine if you were a brunette for a long time and then cut off
all your hair and became a platinum blonde. Weeks later you still do a double
take when you catch a glimpse of your reflection. In the case of drastic weight
loss, your mind needs time to adjust to seeing the smaller, more fit version of
you. Give it some time.
You can also
help retrain your brain by taking photos of yourself- and often! I know, you
have probably been camera shy up until this point. Seeing photos of my heavier
self on vacations or at family gatherings made me want to delete all evidence
that I even existed! I felt embarrassed and defeated. I refused to be in
pictures, or I would hide behind someone else. It took some time to recognize
my new image in photos. I lost 75lbs! That is a lot of weight! It is the equivalent to almost 300 apples or 3.5
car tires! Seeing my image more often helped me to recognize my new body. It
will help you too. So put your gorgeous little self in those family photos-
front and center- and stop focusing so much on the image you used to be!
Also, doing things you were not able to do so easily
before will help you realize how far you have come! Take a dance class, go on a
long hike, go clothes shopping with the intention of only trying them on. My
daughter used her lunch hour once a week just to try on new clothes. She called
it her "w
Weight Watchers appointment" and it gave her visual confirmation on her