Friday, January 22, 2016

Let's Talk About Food....

Let's talk about how we feed our bodies. Are you giving your body the nourishment it needs? Oh, I'm sure you are eating your dark leafy greens, and your blueberries, and your grass-fed beef and cage-free eggs because you are trying to be healthy right? You can eat all the organic foods you want and still not be nourishing your body. Let's talk about primary foods.
What are Primary Foods?
Nourishment comes in more forms that what is found on our plates. According to Joshua Rosenthal (founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition) the food we eat plays a secondary role to the other ways in which we  feed our bodies. Our Primary Foods include our relationships, career, exercise routine, and spirituality. These are the things which nourish our bodies, and give our lives meaning, joy, fulfillment. These are the foods which sustain our lives, making what we eat secondary.

If you are struggling with a bad relationship, a career you are not happy with, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or not taking enough time for self care, it can throw your life off balance leaving you in an unhealthy state. You have heard the saying "You cant exercise your way out of a bad diet" right? Well, you also cant eat enough veggies to compensate for neglecting your happiness. 
What happens when we ignore our Primary Foods?
Now that you understand what primary foods are, maybe you can begin to make a correlation to some of the health issues you may be experiencing. I remember a time when I had digestive issues after everything I ate. I thought I was eating healthy foods for the most part. I also gained quite a bit of weight, yet wasn't eating a lot of sugar laden foods, so why was my body fighting against me? Well, looking back at my primary foods, I was feeding my body a super-sized serving of stress each meal, with a side of exhaustion, followed by anger for dessert. MMMMM delicious right? Let me tell you, it was heartburn hell and I blew up like a balloon. In my closet hung clothes I hadn't worn in years, but instead I had garments labeled "unhappiness", "shame", "resentment", "exhaustion" that I wore get the picture. It wasn't until I changed my diet of life that I started to notice a difference in my waistline. I began to serve myself larger portions of self care and smaller portions of stress. I no longer skipped meals because I was so busy with deadlines. I traded in comfort cravings of spaghetti pasta for spaghetti squash and felt so much better! It all started to make sense to me that if I  cleaned up my primary foods, then my secondary food choices become cleaner too. Yeah, I still crave pizza, but not as often. And I make conscious food choices more often based on what my body needs, not what my mind and heart says to eat.

Below is an exercise I invite you to experience. This is a Circle Of Life which is labeled with primary foods. These are various aspects of our lives which need to be considered in our overall health. Place a piece of tracing paper over the picture. With a marker, place a dot on each line of primary food depicting how satisfied you are with each area in your life. Place a dot closer to the center for less satisfaction and a dot furthest away if you are pretty satisfied in that area. Next, connect the dots. Determine where you spend the most time and energy and where you spend the least. Identify any imbalances. What did you discover about your primary foods? Where could you make some changes? If you would like to learn more about how you can better balance your primary foods, let's talk! Feel free to send me a private message on Facebook, or shoot me an email at Isn't today a great day to start feeling good?
*Circle of Life comes from IIN. 

Best in Health!
Carol Keller
CINHC, E-RYT200, Fitness trainer and Weight Loss Specialist
My Healthy Friends Fitness

Sunday, January 17, 2016

How To Stay Healthy On Road Trips: Part 1- Exercise

ROAD TRIPS are a wonderful way to see the country and create some fun memories with your travel companion! But wow! Can they ever throw a monkey wrench in your exercise plan if you aren't careful! I am currently on a road trip relocating from California back home to Indiana, and after 3 days on the road, I am getting pretty creative with my exercise efforts!

Stopping for gas and potty breaks are few and far between, so I had to get creative in ways to move my body. Sitting for hours at a time wreaks havoc on your circulatory system as well as your metabolism! So every hour, on the hour, I turn up the radio and alternate between the following exercises for 3 songs:
- Glute Squeezes- Just like it sounds! Contract and release those muscles in your backside!
-Toe Raises- Tap your toes to the beat! Alternately or at the same time!
-Heel Raises- Tap your heels to the beat, alternately or simultaneously- you can even alternate with toe raises!
-High Knee Marches- Great for your hip flexors and core! Feel free to even throw a few punches in to get the upper body moving as well!
-Rib Isolations- Get jazzy! Lift and press your ribcage to the right, and then repeat to the left!
-Adductor Squeezes- Inner thigh strength happening right here! Make a fist, put it between your knees, and squeeze your knees into your fist for a count of 10, rest for a count of 5. Repeat.

Rest stops can be a perfect place (as long as the weather is conducive) to squeeze in a heart raising "quickie"! Here are a few ideas!
-Tricep Dips- Find a picnic table and sit on the edge of the bench placing your hands on either side of your hips. Walk your feet out until your bottom is off the bench and you are holding yourself up by the palms of your hands. Lower your bottom until your elbows are at 90 degrees and then straighten your arms without locking your elbows.  Try to complete 10 reps!
-Step Ups-Step up onto the seat of a picnic table, then step down. Lead with your right foot 5 times, then switch and lead with your left foot 5 times. If the bench is too high, try this at the curbside and double the repetitions!
-Jumping Jax- Good old-fashioned jumping jax are a great way to get your heart rate up and the blood flowing! Try to complete 1 min.
-Walk!- Walk a couple laps around the rest stop. Try to walk for at least 5-10 minutes.
-Stretches- After getting your heart rate up and/ or completing a few strengthening exercises, spend some quality time stretching. It will feel good and help to work out the kinks! Try a standing quad stretch, a standing forward fold, or lengthen your body by reaching and holding your arms overhead!

Try to make a goal of stopping every 2 hours for a stretch when on a long road trip and get regular intervals of movement while in the car. With a little creativity, your body will feel so much better for it! Stay tuned for  "How To Stay Healthy On Road Trips: Part 2- Best choices At Restaurants and Truck Stops" ! Until then...

Best in Health!
Carol Keller
Holistic Health Coach and Fitness Trainer
My Healthy Friends Fitness

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Stress Made Me FAT!- a personal look inside this Health Coach's journey

I was looking at some old photos of myself over a period of a few years when I was morbidly obese. If I didn't know better I would think "this lady must sit on her butt eating chips, candy, donuts, and drink cokes all day! She probably never exercised a day in her life!" Well, as a Holistic Health Coach I wouldn't think that, but I can tell you that is the first thought most folks have when they see someone with weight issues. In my case it wasn't too many calories, it was not enough calories! I didn't sit on my butt all day, I actually was a group fitness manager and taught about 12 classes per week, sometimes exercising 2-3 hours per day! So how would such an active person who ate very little look like this? Well, a combination of things, but my biggest battle was with stress.
We all have stress in our lives, but it is how much stress and how our body processes it that is unique to each of us and its impact on our health. When you are faced with stressful situations cortisol is released into your body, which slows down the production of testosterone. Cortisol encourages your body to store fat and slow your metabolism in burning calories and makes you crave sugary or carb rich foods for comfort. In my case I didn't necessarily reach for either food right away- I reached for nothing. My typical day started with a cup of black coffee. By 3p I was working on my 4th or 5th cup of coffee and had not eaten anything because I was buried in work stress and ignoring my body's needs. This caused my body to go into "starvation mode" holding onto every ounce of fat for survival because it didn't know when I would eat again. By 6p I was usually feeling starved and would reach for just about anything! Although I didn't eat a lot of them, carbs seemed to satisfy my growling stomach long enough for me to change into workout gear, go teach another class, and finally come home to eat dinner around 8p.
It was a vicious cycle of unhealthy practices for several years. It affected not only my waistline, but my relationships with my kids and husband. I was anxious, I was miserable. I was tired, I was embarrassed. I loved my career, but I hated how I felt that I didn't "look the part". It was obvious others thought that about me too- other gym managers and members. It was hard to pretend I didn't see the look of confusion and shock in their eyes when they would first meet me as a "fitness professional". But I was good at doing what I did, so those who did know me knew I gave 110% of my life and health to the job.
In my personal life, I felt like I was not available enough for my kids. Although they were grown adults, they still needed a mother and I was always working- from the gym, from the home, from my phone on vacation. This also effected my marriage. My husband was very supportive in that he actually taught classes with me just to be able to spend time together. He spent several evenings a week and every weekend either teaching classes, helping fix stereo equipment, making fliers to announce upcoming events, or listening to me bitch about the 50+/- instructors I managed or console my tears of pure exhaustion. My way of dealing with stress was to add more stress- eating less, eating late, eating a bad combination of macros for my body, exercising too much, and living in a mentality of negativity behind the scenes- because of course when I was on stage I was ON! As far as the world knew I lived a perfect life and was "freaking Mary-Poppins-Happy!!"
One day I took a look at my life, and my health (actually it was at the insistence of my oldest daughter and husband) and decided to make some changes. Who was this person I had become? This isn't me. The real me was underneath layers of unhealthy fat and self-criticism, behind those tear-stained eyes and years of self-deprivation. It was time for a change, and I was so ready!

I look back to those days long ago and have vowed never to fall into that trap again. My kids and husband actually joke how they will ALL "divorce" me if I ever get into management again haha! I did get on a healthier path of clean eating, exercising smarter, less stress, and I feel much more beautiful in a smile than in tears. I feel more energetic, I feel sexier, and I feel stronger both mentally and physically than I have in years. For me it took a lot of experimentation and getting to know my body to find success on my journey. It is the very motivation behind my career change in wanting to coach others to live a healthier lifestyle and reach their own goals. I have coached over 100 people both men and women, in losing weight, adding muscle mass, reducing stress, and living a healthier, happier lifestyle. It is my passion, it is my mission. I'm finally free!
If you are ready to make changes and live a healthier life- then let's talk!

Best in Health!
Carol Keller
CINHC, E-RYT200, Fitness Trainer and Weight Loss Specialist
My Healthy Friends Fitness

Stalled Progress? Let's Talk!

So you have been very disciplined, dedicated, and determined on your weight loss journey and you find you have more pep in your step and discovered a little wiggle room in your favorite jeans. Good for you!! You are rolling full steam ahead but BAM! you hit a plateau. The number on the scale isnt decreasing, and you are starting to feel defeated. Dont give up! Hitting a plateau is normal for EVERYONE! Most times it is your body's way of catching up with all the hard work invested. However, if 2 weeks go by and you still dont see any changes, there could be several reasons for the stall. It is time to reevaluate your plan.

1. Are you following the same exercise and diet plan you have for the past 3 months? If you want to change your body, you need to keep it guessing. Our bodies adapt pretty easily to dietary and exercise changes. We need to keep it fresh and make small changes to keep progressing. Try changing the times of day you eat, try changing up the type of exercises you are doing- a new cardio format or increasing the load and decreasing reps in your lifting workouts may be just what your body needs to jump start the progress again!
2. Are you eating enough calories? Several clients have asked me about 1200 calorie diets. Eating 1200 calories a day is what most people need to get the minimum nutrients. In order to lose weight you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories per week to lose 1lb. You can do this by decreasing your calories by 250 and increasing your energy expenditure by 250 per day. This will result in a weight loss for most people of 1lb per week. However, there is a lot more to it than this simple calculation. Oh if our bodies were not so incredibly complicated, every person could use this formula and reach their weight loss goals, right? But we are beautifully unique creatures and bioindividuality determines each person's success. Yes, you do need to create a deficit, but determining where and how to create the deficit is important. Starving your body of needed calories and nutrients will cause you to actually stop losing weight and start storing fat. You body will go into a "survival mode".  A Certified Health Coach can work with you to find the best formula for your personal success without leaving you feeling confused, deprived, and with a damaged metabolism. 
3. Are you being honest with yourself? It is amazing how we think a "bite of this" and a "bite of that" doesnt count. How a "spoonful of cookie dough" doesnt count as a cookie. How "grazing" doesnt count as eating a meal. Mindless eating can lead us down a path of denial and frustration when we are working hard and dont see results. My advice? Use a food log like My Fitness Pal to track every morsel, every drink, and every exercise session. One potato chip, one Tootsie Roll, one mocha latte, one beer, one 15 min walk around the block- it all matters. Weigh your food. Buy a cheap set of food scales at Target. Measure your liquids. Time your exercise session. The more honest you are with yourself, the less frustrated you will be in knowing where to make changes in your plan. 
4. Be accountable. Partner up with a Certified Health Coach or a accountability partner who will hold you to your goals and keep your health as much of a priority as you should. There will be times you will slip up. We all do. We all need wiggle room. But working with an accountability coach or having an accountability partner will help you get back on track and keep working toward what is important to you. 
5. Maybe it is time to dial in on the macros. There are 3 macronutrients the human body needs to function properly: protein, carbs, and fats. Carbs are the body's primary source of fuel. Proteins are important for repair and growth of tissue and building muscle along with a lot of other responsibilities. Fats are great for protecting organs and absorbing the nutrients from our foods. According to bioindividuality, what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Maybe you need to increase your healthy fats to burn more fat? Maybe you need to increase your protein to help maintain your lean muscle tissue due to your intense exercise sessions? Lean muscle helps to burn fat, so it is important to preserve. Dialing in your macros is not a perfect science and takes some experimentation and knowledge. Working with an experienced nutrition specialist will help you get on track.
6. A calorie is a calorie....WRONG!! All calories are not the same. So while you do need to consider calories in order to see the number on the scale move, it is the fat you want to lose more than the weight itself. A healthy start to losing fat is to rid your cupboards of processed foods. A good rule of thumb? If it has more than 5 ingredients, or it has ingredients you cant pronounce- throw it out! You can actually eat more calories and not be hungry by adding quality foods to your daily diet. Whole foods are the best- they are single ingredient foods. Think vegetables, meats, whole grains and limited fruits. Try to limit your added sugars. Load up your cart with perishables from the perimeter of the grocery store and you will be on your way to optimal health for yourself and your loved ones!

Too many times I have watched people spinning their wheels trying to reach their weight loss/muscle gains goals. Heck I have been there myself! Deprivation, overindulgence, self denial/cheating, over training, and just lack of education and accountability will leave you with feelings of defeat rather than accomplishment. If you have been spinning your wheels or you have reached a plateau- let's talk! A FREE Health Assessment with me will be your first step in living the lifestyle you desire in the body you dream of! 

Best in Health!
Carol Keller
Holistic Health Coach and Fitness Trainer
My Healthy Friends Fitness