Wednesday, May 11, 2016

TIPS FOR A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP- dont let the sizzle turn into a fizzle!

Have you ever seen a happy couple and wondered "how do they do it? they have it so easy!"? Happy relationships are not reserved for newlyweds or newly daters. If you want a happy, healthy relationship you must be willing to give it the same attention as you do in other areas of your life in which you want to succeed. Here are a few tips for cultivating healthy relationships and rekindling the flame:

The longer couples are together, the more comfortable they become with one another and the more they take the relationship for granted. Think back to what attracted you to your mate in the first place? Was it their quirky sense of humor? Was it the way they listened to you and seemed genuinely interested in what you were saying? How have you changed in the ways you treat your mate? Do you show excitement to see him/her when they come home from work?
Exercise: Take time to make a list of all the things you used to do for your partner when you were first together. Practice one each day/week from that list and notice how your feelings are renewed just by remembering who you were, and not by who he/she was.

Keeps things fun and plan a date night at least twice a month! When you let life get in the way of your fun times together, the fire can go from a sizzle to a fizzle!
Exercise: Call your partner and ask for a date. Take turns making arrangements. Your date can be as eloquent or as simple as you would like. Maybe tickets to a play and a nice dinner? Or something simple like a Sunday hike and picnic lunch! Be creative, and put as much effort into the planning as you did when you first met.

My grandfather always used to shower and put on cologne before turning in for the night. When I was a kid, I asked "why do you put cologne on at night grandpa?" He answered, "You never know who you might meet in your dreams!"
One of the areas couples fail to cultivate after being together for some time is in the bedroom. Do you shower before bed? Do you wear unattractive, faded t-shirts/shorts because they are more "comfortable"?
Exercise: If you would like your mate to pay more attention to you than the TV in the evening, try a little personal grooming before bed and see what happens! Dress to impress the one you love!

Consider your partner as you would a stranger and express your gratitude often. We all like to feel appreciated, and when we feel appreciated we seem to appreciate more in return.
Exercise: Be specific and your thanks will go much further. Let the other know how much you value him/her and why. Leave a post-it note on the bathroom mirror. Send a random afternoon gratitude text. Also, spend time reflecting on the reasons you feel grateful and the feelings will begin to grow even deeper!

Often times we reserve the side of ourselves where we let loose, laugh out loud, and act silly for times with our friends. Relationships don't have to be always focused on bills, household chores, the kids, and the future. Lasting relationships are those where couples actually have fun together!
Exercise: Find something you both enjoy doing and have fun doing it together. Maybe you could play a board game at a local coffee shop? Run a 5K together where you have to dress as your favorite Super Hero? Pop some popcorn and find a movie from your teen years- something really cheesy you can both laugh at! Sing karaoke! Stand up, grab your air guitar, or sing into your wooden spoon and let go of all dignity for the evening!

A strong, happy relationship with your mate can be one of the most important keys for optimal health and well-being. Relationships are an important investment- the more you put in the more you can get in return. Everyone's relationship is different. What works for you may not work for another. However, the key ingredients are the same in every healthy relationship and those are to give often, trust completely, and love passionately and completely. I would love to hear any tips you have found that work well in your relationship! Please feel free to share!

Best in Health,
Carol Keller CINHC, E-RYT200, CPT

My Healthy Friends Fitness

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