Friday, October 23, 2015

"If This is Liquid Awesome, Then I Must Be Badass!"

Does this look like you after a workout? I am typically drenched after an intense run, cardio, or weightlifting session.  Most of the time I laugh it off and say something  like "this is liquid awesome!" or "I earned every drop!". However, how much sweat is actually normal during a workout?
Sweating is a normal bodily function. We sweat to regulate our body temperature and our glands are more active in hot temps, during exercise, or even when we find ourselves in stressful situations. We have between 2-4 million sweat glands and although women have more than men, the glands are more active in men.  Losing about a liter of water during an intense workout is normal- but there are no steadfast amounts, everyone is different.  Fit people tend to sweat sooner, but less fit folks tend to sweat more- this can vary. There are many variables that come into play such as the number of sweat glands you have, body size, genetics, gender (not always the case), and if you are just naturally prone to sweating.
Excessive sweating during exercise is not necessarily a concern. It only becomes a concern if it is effecting your workout or it is bothering you. Here are some things you can try if you prefer to show the world a little less "liquid awesome":

- Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics that wick away moisture
-Purchase breathable athletic shoes
-Skip wearing hats during your workout
-Take a cool shower prior to your workout
-If possible, exercise in a cool room and use fans if available
-Avoid drinking caffeine before exercise

To sum it up, sweating is normal during exercise. How much sweat depends on the individual and environmental conditions. We can lose about 1 liter of water during an intense exercise session. It is good to hydrate before, during and after your workouts. Try to drink at least 16oz an hour before you workout, sip on 8 oz during your workout, and drink at least 16oz post workout to keep your body sufficiently hydrated. Heavy perspiration is normal for anyone during exercise, so don't be afraid to show the world your liquid awesomeness!

Best in health,
Carol Ann
Creator of My Healthy Friends Fitness Group

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